Why are Naming Conventions Important?[edit source]
The name that you see for a link on a wiki is often not the actual file name. This is because there is a high likelihood that in any wiki there will be pages with the same name, or at least the same link text. This is extremely likely in a mathematics wiki based on lessons, There are going to be a lot pages with the name "answers". Every exercise is likely to have answers on an accompanying page so we have to have a standard way of naming them so that everyone can have answers page without anything getting overwritten. This wiki will use the slash method.
Creating Pages[edit source]
The following sections will explain how to set up links to new pages in Mathematics Wiki.
The Slash Method[edit source]
For the slash method each page will have some preceding information that explains where it belongs for example [[Algebra/One_Step_Equations|One Step Equations]]
Spaces in Page Names[edit source]
You probably noticed from the previous example that any spaces in page names are replaced with underscores.